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Cari Jodoh 🧐
Family-Relationships Whatsapp group Family/Relationships Malaysia Whatsapp group Malaysia Malay Whatsapp group Malay
2020-01-08 00:09:27
- People from other country can join but this group stricly no any porn.
- Any member must follow shariah principle. (This means halal relationship).
- This group to searching friends, job patner, sharing information, knowledge, making money or other benefit (as long as not opposite shariah principle).
- Can post entertaiment (stricly, no any sexy girl / boy).
- Admin have right to remove member.
- Please read the group rules, thank you.
Jodoh Poligami Islam Saudara Kawan Monogami Bisnes Perniagaan Lelaki Perempuan Muslimah
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