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Jobs-Career Whatsapp group Jobs/Career Qatar Whatsapp group Qatar Tamil Whatsapp group Tamil
2018-12-15 14:20:53
*aslamu aliakum.*
* 📢 This group's terms *

* 👉 Not allowed to put unnecessary logs. *
* 👉HAI, GOOD MORNING, 👍🌹❌👌😁GOOD NIGHT, THANK YOU Do not put unnecessary simples like this *

* Not enough photo, video, posting on this site. *

* Do not post falls job messages. *

* If you are disappointed with the offer, Admins will not be held responsible for this site. *

* Do not be disappointed with any wrong information. *

* If there are any unnecessary records, there is no name for the warning in this place.It will be removed from the group. *

* I urge everyone in this site to cooperate. *

* Note: 👇👇 *

* Sign up for people to know their job. *

* When someone says that there is a job, go to his personal page and ask for the full details. *

* 👉 This site is not permitted to postpone passport, license, biota (PASSPORT, LICENSE, RESUME). *

* Request *
* 👉 When registering on this site please register your phone number. *
All Gulf Country Jobs Only
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