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Indian Armed Forces
Education-School Whatsapp group Education/School India Whatsapp group India English Whatsapp group English
2020-03-14 12:04:59
Rules (every new member should know):-
1.No one should use vulgar languages.
2.No ads, no  jokes,no shayir-o-shairi.
3.Discussions only for topics related to Defence.
4.Do not fight for silly arguments.
5.Every member should be active once in a week.
6.No sharing of any other WhatsApp group links.
7.No funky conversations, for ex:- How are you, you belongs to which place.(if you want then message them separately but not in the group).
8.Every one should respect each other s thought and opinions.
9.No one should dm girls and irritate them.
10.No sharing of irrelevant videos, links, posts and forwarded messages specially which are not at all related to Defence.
Defence Aspirants preparing for Indian Armed Forces
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