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Bulksms, Data & Airtime
Business-Advertising-Marketing Whatsapp group Business/Advertising/Marketing Nigeria Whatsapp group Nigeria English Whatsapp group English
2019-02-25 16:11:18
These days, it’s easier to reach people through their mobile phones than any other traditional means of aadvertising. It is easy, quick and cheaper and you have 100% guarantee of effective communication. Individuals, Companies and Organization leverage on it to advertise their goods, services and events.

*BULK SMS* is used to send Short Messages (SMS) for Invitation to marriage ceremonies, conferences, fellowships, general meeting, workshops, seminar, personal messages, rallies & as reminders for association and professional bodies e.g schools, banks and churches. It is also very effective for marketing & campaigns Etc. 

For your Reliable & Cheapest 
BULK SMS please visit us at
Thank you.

We Also help Businesses, Governments, Associations, Politicians, Individuals, and Religious Body to take advantage of the available GSM database in Nigeria to inform, notify, alert, interact, transact and share information to their teeming customers 
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