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Seeking Jannah Seerah
Education-School Whatsapp group Education/School India Whatsapp group India English Whatsapp group English
2019-10-17 08:42:49
 The life of the Prophet ﷺ is both inspirational and emotive and is yet full of lessons and anecdotes that continue to unravel themselves to us to this day. Studying the life of the Prophet ﷺ is an absolute must for everyone.

Join us now for un unmissable journey through the Prophet's life and enkindle love for the Prophet in our hearts and be inspired to follow his footsteps and revive his Sunnah.

This program will trace the life history of our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ from the days before the advent of Islam; known as the time of ignorance. The course follows his birth and upbringing through to his recieving of prophethood, the spread of Islam in Makkah and the immigration to Madinah including his many struggles and battles until his demise. It examines his persistent efforts to deliver the message of Islam and the examples he set for future generations.
Strictly for sisters only! 
Islam seerah sisters prophet quran
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