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Tamil Free fire players 😁
Gaming-Apps Whatsapp group Gaming/Apps India Whatsapp group India Tamil Whatsapp group Tamil
2019-03-08 06:34:48
* Those who play free dire can join here
* Free fire players only allowed
*Age restrictions is not an issue
*Dont abuse the group
*Speak in tamil itself
*Any new uploads you can post here
*Dont make any sort of disadvantaging the group
*Dont use bad words
*Dont spoil by putting bad pictures
*Dont smoke and dont drink
*Smoking causes cancer
*Smoking is injurious to health
*Hahahaha summa dhaan i want to fill 1000 words
*So only im filling with blablabla
*Be happy and trust life is yours
*Sandhosham dhaan ellame
*Ayooo innuma 1000words varalaa
*Shabaa kai valikudhu daa dar
*Shabahhh epandhaqm mudiyumoooo
Free fire for game uploads all about free fire whenever you need to start to match you can star
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