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🔥FORSAGE 👩‍❤️‍👨BNB👩‍❤️‍👨 FAMILY🔥
Money-Earning Whatsapp group Money/Earning Nigeria Whatsapp group Nigeria English Whatsapp group English
2021-05-29 05:38:14
This is the summary of all you need to know about *FORSAGE* 


*FORSAGE* is a smart contract and a global business which is registered and deployed on TRON ETHEREUM  BLOCKCHAIN AND ABOUT TO BE LAUNCHED ON BINANCE SMART CHAIN SOON where earnings (Eth ,trx and BUSD ) are paid directly into members wallet without a single admin controlling the system, hence it is decentralized and can not be manipulated or edited by anyone . 

10 BUSD ($10) is required to register for Forsage smart contract including maximum gas/ network fee of $0.5-$1 BNB  ( bep 20), a total of $11  to run its registration .

When you register for forsage smart contract , you automatically activates two packages .



Forsage X3 earnings are strictly from your direct / indirect referrals.

Forsage X4 earnings are either from your direct referrals or non referrals through a spillover and overflow from global up line and downline
Forsage busd
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