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Only Porn
Adult-18~-Hot Whatsapp group Adult/18+/Hot United_States Whatsapp group United States English Whatsapp group English
2018-04-24 13:28:20
hi i am making a porn/hentai trade group on whats app so if you intresstet read the rules also I am searching for 2 admins help me for the group so if you wanna be admin just Pm me here


1. Only Englich Speaker

2. Don't pm the admins for porn or hentai or you get banned

3 don't harass someone or bully we are strict against that

4 We use any kind of porn I can't stop people from posting stuff so any kind of porn is allow

5 be active if you don't text at less for 3 days you will been kick

6 Don't change Group Name Or Group Pic Or you get kick

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