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FriendShip Society.💠
Social-Friendship-Community Whatsapp group Social/Friendship/Community Germany Whatsapp group Germany English Whatsapp group English
2019-01-27 18:46:10
Attention world! Ever wondered or wished you could have a foreigner friend or also a best friend from other foreign countries, well "#FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY" whatsapp group, created in 2019 January, welcomes all from around the world;  American, India, Kenya, Italy, Albania, Australia, Yemen, Zambia all countries from A - Z, the goal of this group chat is connect and create bonds between people it doesn't matter who you and where you are from, you are welcome to join, also please share this announcement to keep "#FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY" Family  growing, Thank you.
FriendShipSociety friendship friends friend friendships Society oneness unity unite
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