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Science-Technology Whatsapp group Science/Technology India Whatsapp group India Malayalam Whatsapp group Malayalam
2020-06-28 10:00:16

*We have some group rules. All members need to aware about this*

*1}Each report you want to make; must pass privately to one of the admin and for the reason of the report.*
*2}Reports must be passed with screen shot.*
*3}We do not accept links unless they are links that must be reported.*
*4}No pornography or Any other links is not allowed.*
*5}whoever does not reported is eliminated daily*

 *Bienvenidos a grupo de reportes diamonds:*
*1. cada reporte que desee hacer debe pasar a en privado a alguno de los adm y con el motivo del reporte* 
*2. reportes deben pasarse con captura* 
*3. no se aceptan enlace a menos que sean enlaces que hay que reportar*
*4. no pornografia gore ni cp*
*5. quien no reporte se elimina*.  

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