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बुरा न मानो मोदी है
Fan_Club-Celebrities Whatsapp group Fan Club/Celebrities India Whatsapp group India Hindi Whatsapp group Hindi
2019-04-18 19:11:44
10 rules to be followed in a WhatsApp group

1. Don’t argue over silly matters

2. Refrain from chatting with a single person

3. Never begin a topic that would hurt religious or cultural sentiments

4. Don’t make fun of anyone

5. Don’t comment awful things about an actor or a celebrity

6. Don’t spam with unnecessary chains and forward message

7. Don’t leave the group often

8. Refrain from posting unnecessary things if the group is meant to be a specific one

9. Don’t exhibit rude behavior or snap at anyone

10. Actively participate in the group
उत्तर प्रदेश के एक पढ़े लिखे युवा बेरोजगार के दुःखी माता-पिता : "छोरे की नोकरी नही तो कोई अपनी छोरी
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