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K WORLD(Games & Classes)
Fan_Club-Celebrities Whatsapp group Fan Club/Celebrities South_Korea Whatsapp group South Korea English Whatsapp group English
2020-04-10 18:51:45
Welcome to the group
       Please introduce yourself😊
You can talk about any kpop group. Not only about BTS.

It doesn't have to be only about kpop, it can be about Asian culture in general, like Kdrama, Anime, Asian fan fictional stories, K Actors....
Fun texting Game will be played three times(Morning, afternoon and evening)

There will be Korean language classes once a day (From 12- 2)

* Don't insult people
*English and Korean only
* No NSFW stuff
* Be nice to each other
* No Advertising
Thank you
Kpop BTS Korean language game Kdrama
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