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β„™π•Œπ”Ήπ”Ύ π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•Œβ„•π•‹π•Š κœ±α΄›α΄Κ€α΄‡β„’
Gaming-Apps Whatsapp group Gaming/Apps India Whatsapp group India Malayalam Whatsapp group Malayalam
2020-08-14 12:42:06
Hi all 😊, 
If u want to buy or sell a pubg accounts contact us with selling details like :-

β€’ Video of the account
β€’ Screenshot with login proof
β€’ id proof & live location 
β€’ Dealing only with acc owners
β€’ And your expected prize

If for buyings :-

Msg me with what type of acc u wanted with prize 
(Dealing with mallus only)
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