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World best AJNABI group 😎
Education-School Whatsapp group Education/School India Whatsapp group India Hindi Whatsapp group Hindi
2018-09-17 20:04:59

🚫don't share bad video
🚫don't chat any member in this group
🚫 don't share any group link. app link etc
🚫no abuse 
🚫no fighting
🚫no insurting
🚫no politics
🚫no religion fight
      share only islamic post islamic photos  islamic videos
 only can  islamic post share in this grup
πŸ‘†πŸ» follow this group rule 
and enjoy your self.....

πŸ‘€ Group adminπŸ‘€

πŸ‘€Md Nadeem 😎

πŸ‘€Md Kaif 😎

any member have a prblm plZ contact grp admin 
i hope admin solve ur prblm.
World Best AJNABI Group
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