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Without you 😭😭😭
Adult-18~-Hot Whatsapp group Adult/18+/Hot United_Kingdom Whatsapp group United Kingdom English Whatsapp group English
2018-08-15 14:44:46
Always keep to the purpose of the group! Don’t share irrelevant messages about other topics.
Do not spam the group! If you would like a group to share memes, adverts or deals with then set one up for that exact purpose and invite others to join.
Don’t be offended if others leave. Not everyone wants the same information.
Do politely excuse yourself before you leave a group.
Post your message in one single chunk of text, don’t post every word or sentence in a new message.
If you’re lurking in a group chat and ‘seeing’ every message, occasionally respond with *something* to remove the stalker vibe that inevitably develops.
Don’t create huge groups.
Don’t create groups with minors who don’t know each other – no parent wants their kids talking to strangers.
City USA great funny
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